We are Welcoming this Spring with Open Arms!
Now that spring is here, many of our patients start to play spring sports like baseball, softball and soccer. Our orthodontic teams here at Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana want our patients to have fun playing sports and we also want everyone to be aware of the importance of protecting your face, mouth and teeth while you’re being active. Orthodontic Experts encourages everyone who does sports to wear a mouthguard for braces while participating in games and practices. This is especially true for those who wear braces, as you can also cause severe damage to your brackets and wires.
Getting A Mouth-Guard for Braces
Getting braces is a big transition in your life. Getting accustomed to having foreign objects in your mouth, the additional cleaning and care requirements, and the discomfort of adjustments all take some getting used to. If you are active in sports, there are other concerns as well. The potential for injury to yourself and others can be greater when you are wearing braces, so a special mouthguard for braces must be worn for protection. This will ensure proper oral health for you.
How to Choose the Best MouthGuard for Braces?
According to the American Dental Association (ADA), an athlete is 60 times more likely to suffer damage to the teeth if they are not wearing a mouth-guard. Whether you are wearing Braces or not, mouth-guards are one of easiest ways to prevent dental injuries.

As new sports season begins, parents start shopping around for a mouth-guard that will keep their athlete safe and comfortable.
Just imagine you are wearing braces, and choosing a mouth-guard becomes “mission impossible”. Every mouthguard for braces should have the following:
Custom Fit
A custom fit mouth-guard provides the best protection for your teeth and braces. A mouth-guard that fits exactly to the shape of your teeth remains secure and provide protection to every corner and curve of the teeth that a one-size-fits-all just can’t get to.
Most mouth-guards for braces are bulky and rubbery. Getting an athlete to wear one becomes a whole new challenge. The sheer bulk can make talking and breathing uncomfortable.
The ADA recommends a mouthguard for braces that allows players to talk, breathe and drink with ease, while remaining in the mouth during the entire game or practice.
Room for Growth
Braces slowly move your teeth into the perfect position. While the teeth are undergoing this treatment, they need room to freely move to the desired position. When it comes to mouthguard for braces an athlete needs a mouth- guard that will not interfere with this movement.
How to Fit a Mouth-Guard with Braces
Mouth-guard with braces can be fitted to the top or bottom teeth. If you have braces, you will need an additional guard to fit on your bottom teeth to prevent your lips from getting cut on the brackets. NFHS wrestling rules require a mouthguard for braces top and bottom. When fitting mouth-guard with braces, you need to cover the brackets with dental wax or aluminum foil. You should get a custom fit mouth-guard that fits perfectly to your teeth. Braces are an investment in time and money, so always work with your orthodontist Chicago to help you fit, and re-fit, your mouthguard for braces when you come in for your adjustments. You can simply bring it with you for each adjustment and it can be re-fitted right in the office with a bit of hot water.
What You Need to Be Prepared for Spring Activities When You Are Wearing Braces
When you are undergoing your orthodontic treatment and wear braces you need be more careful while playing. Here are some safety equipment that you should wear before playing sports.
We can’t recommend a mouth guard enough! A mouthguard for braces absorbs the force of contact and protects against teeth breaking, chipping or getting knocked out. Not only will it protect your teeth and mouth, but it will also protect your braces. At Orthodontic Experts you can request a mouthguard for braces made specifically for your teeth and bite, just ask your Doctor or our front-desk manager.
Face Shield
The Protective Face Shield helps protect maxillary, nasal, zygomatic and orbital injuries. It’s ideal for basketball, wrestling, karate, baseball, soccer, volleyball and other sports. A ball or puck flying at your face can cause severe damage. Keep yourself protected by wearing a face shield.
Helmet are made to protect your head from the kind of impacts that typically are associated with a particular activity or sport. Wear a helmet to prevent damage to the entire head, including your teeth. It will absorb impact and limit brain injuries.
Schedule a Consultation Now
We often take our teeth for granted, but a broken tooth can suddenly affect how you talk, smile, and eat, so we highly recommend you wear a mouthguard for braces. After all, if you have any questions, you should definitely give us a call at (847) 749-4340 and we will be happy to help you or schedule your no-cost consultation today!